Music, Storytelling, Gaelic

Alba & Èirinn: Òrain & Sgeulachdan na Fèinne | Scotland & Ireland: Songs & Stories of the Fianna

Special Events

(Fri 20 Oct: 8pm) An Ceòl air Feadh na Fèinne / The Music of What Happens

San tachartas seo, thèid na laoidhean is sgeulachdan gaisgeil mu dheidhinn Fionn MacCumhnaill agus na Fèinne a thaisbeanadh as ùr. Le Màrtainn Mac an t-Saoir, Màiri NicIlleMhaoil, Mhairi Hall, agus Gráinne Holland. Thèid a chumail tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig is na Gaeilge (le mìneachadh sa Bheurla). Le taic bho Bhòrd na Gàidhlig agus sgeama Colmcille.

Join us for an eloquent blend of story, ballad and music, exploring the tales of Fionn MacCumhnaill and the Fianna through the medium of Scottish and Irish Gaelic. Featuring Martin MacIntyre, Mairi MacMillan, Mhairi Hall and Grainne Holland. This performance will be accessible to English-speaking audiences. Supported by Bòrd na Gàidhlig’s Colmcille Fund.


Join us as we explore, question and celebrate the Right To Be Human. This year, on the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, we consider the many challenges we face, from human health and wellbeing to the health and future of our planet. However, there is also a worldwide movement to meet these challenges, and to exist imaginatively, fairly and in community with the whole diversity of life. Storytelling has embraced these values from the dawn of culture and stories today can help us be more connected to the world around us, as well as our rights, showing us how to be more alive and creative as humans.


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Booking Information

A booking fee of £1.25 is charged per transaction for online and phone bookings. If you are a Festival Pass holder or a Storytelling Centre Supporter please add a full price ticket to the basket. Your discount will be automatically added at checkout.

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