Go Local: Borders

(Fri 8 Nov: 7:30pm)
Tickety-boo from the Hindi theek hai Babu or “everything’s fine, sir”. Some things go tick in the dark, others, boo! But we promise it’s fine. Join Neel Debdutt Paul and Kirsten Milliken for their favourite unsettling stories from India and Scotland. No matter how scary and grisly things get “theek hai, Babu”, don’t worry, it’s absolutely tickety-boo!
2024 marks the 35th anniversary of the Scottish International Storytelling Festival, coinciding with the 35th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Since 1989, SISF has been building bridges between cultures, artists and audiences all over the world through the power of storytelling – connecting past, present and future. This year’s theme is ‘Bridges Between’. At a time where literal, figurative and societal walls continue to be constructed, we invite everyone to look beyond these boundaries and to celebrate the last and the next 35 years of storytelling with us.
This event is hosted by Whitmuir Farm Cafe, Lamancha, EH46 7BB and is ticketed at £8. For bookings and info click the link above or visit whitmuir.uk.